The Tiny Guide to OOO:
Tools malfunction because they aren't just tools.
This is also the Tiny Guide to Alien. A devastating critique of the idea of teleology and efficiency, of engineering as the most important.
Everything interesting about "objects" is what is interesting about the psyche.
OOO: everything interesting about the psyche tells you about objects.
The horror of a Zizek imagining the second, flipped sentence, is immense.
Horror gives you a great way to understand very very very primitive emotion. So does sci fi. Sci fi horror is therefore very interesting indeed. In what different ways does sci fi imagine the basic stuff than horror?
I am beginning to imagine the Alien universe as a kind of Hell.
I was watching Alien films and I was thinking about the white aliens. I call them white aliens because they're white people ("there were giants"). They're white supremacists from space, the realm of Blake's Nobodaddy.
One of them rebels, teaches the normally evolved humans about the danger, and then ends his (they're all male it seems) life. Sorry Ridley, your interpretation of your own film is way off. (Jesus was an alien, humans are specially engineered off world…); being possibly drunk when you explained this doesn’t mitigate it.
And I was thinking about their spacesuits, and my wife was talking about how they are exoskeletons.
And those helmets, that make them look like octopi in a Lovecraft story, they have a breathing tube that fits all the way down inside them.
And then I was thinking about fasc1sm. And I was thinking about how fascism gives the adherent an exoskeleton, made out of primitive sadistic impulses, placed now on the outside of the body like armor. The exoskeletal body armor has a tube that connects to the most primitive impulses.
The childish sense of threat now becomes part of the terrorist1c armor that threatens others.
I was thinking about how when my mom disowned me (long story) it was like she got more out of aborting me, finally and at last, than giving birth. And not in an ethical Doctor Shaw way, in the name of saving her own life, but in an Alien bursting out of my chest sort of a way.
And how this is the level Trump is in touch with, is talking from. And how in the end Musk doesn't stand a chance. It’s like a five-year-old child using a one-year-old child as their father.
You can talk and spend money and run a country from the slimy bottom of a swimming pool. Several hundred feet up is the childish sadism of a Musk. One thousand feet above that, shame. One thousand above that, guilt. Many many thousands of feet higher, mercy, kindness, forgiveness.
You can see everyone’s behavior from the depths. You operate from there. It’s kill or be killed down there.
I was reading some things from Neil deGrasse Tyson just before this....something attempting to undermine the value of astrology. And I was thinking about science and how it has evolved from a holistic attempt at describing reality (I'm thinking of the beautify mandalas of the 4 humors of temperment, cardinal directions, 4 seasons, etc) to a scientific method of pulling it apart. Perhaps the net result of pure quantitative analysis is something like the Engineers/White men -- something that is self-limiting in synthesizing aspects of perception, of reality because it chooses to only look at the trees and discounts the forest. hmmmm.....