Secrets of Tutler's Nazi Space Weapon Tomb Revealed
Just freaking stop. Yet another transmission by Timotheadoradorno.
The National Geographic channel could save a lot of time and money by collapsing together two types of endlessly repeated and varied show:
“Secrets of Tutankhamen’s Tomb Revealed”
“Hidden Secrets of Hiter’s Nazi Space Weapon Program”
…by combining the Pharaoh and the dictator into a single composite character, Tutler.
This would save a lot of time and money, as I say. And thought. It would be clear that the whole idea of the show(s) itself is a kind of syndrome. A syndrome of utter stupidity, masquerading as fact-like history. Fact-like, giving some depth and perspective to the tyrannical regime of Hitler and the Pharaoh, a depth that fascism in itself craves.
I coin a new name for this syndrome of National Geographic style “Secrets of Tyranny’s Backstory Revealed!”: the historoid. What is happening in this endless repetition of historoid revelations?
For whom is this spectacle of historoid secrets purveyed? Who benefits?
These historoid revelations resemble utterly what passes for investigations of a “hidden” world of diabolical thought and intention behind the actions of the current White House. They are isometric with the language the White House itself uses to describe its actions, seeking the illusion of hidden depth.
Stop doing their job for them. They’re all puppets. All of them.
What is happening but the commodified attempt to provide a minimum meaningful background to tyranny, to make it look like it means something, that it has significance? To discover some kind of diabolical, Palpatine-like evil lurking in the shadows that would explain the utter stupidity and sadism before our very eyes?
The endlessly repeated attempts both inside and outside the current tyranny in the USA to establish “philosophical” reasons for it (see my previous essays on the subject) constitute damning evidence for the existence of this tyranny. The “Wow, you never saw this before, but…,” the conspiracy-theory-like “secrets revealed” aspect of historoid probing all sound exactly the same, whichever side of the White House door you live.
The historoid resembles all too clearly the self-assembling conspiracy theory of conspiracy theories, QAnon, a distributed video game that rewards “doing your own research” by reflecting the most recalcitrant memes (such as the Blood Libel) back at one, as if they were golden nuggets hidden in Tutler’s space weapon vault.
The Nazis were themselves fascinated by occult explanations for things. What is an antisemitic conspiracy theory other than, precisely, an occult reason for the “lack in the other,” the meaningless churning of capitalist accumulation and its resultant crises? But of course there are the Grail legend and New Age obsessions too.
The smoking gun is not simply the historoid revelation themselves, but their endless repetition, and their absolute overlap with regime self-justifications. The “I’ve struck gold!” quality of the revelatory rhetoric, hackneyed as that rhetoric in itself also is, is endlessly sounded, as if waking from a dream over and over. The repetition is a symptom of deep sleep.
There is an obsession with uncovering “hidden knowledge,” some kind of occult secret, whose mysterious power over Musk, Thiel, etc al. still remains to be explained, so you have to write/read another one.
How many times do you have to uncover the hidden secrets of tyranny before you realize what you’re doing?
What is being avoided here? The thing that is staring us in the face.
The fact that these guys are mindless white zombies on soulless autopilot, retweeting the most stupid shit still floating around in the toilet bowl of the present moment—pure zomboid ideology, QAnon with legs and a neck.
The fact that they’re ALL puppets. All idiots. The ideas are idiotic. And they are idiots. This is the zombie apocalypse, a genre that often has as its protagonist a Black person at war against the zombies.
This is why, once again, the seemingly “unmediated” screams and cries and whoops of Medias Touch are far superior to historoid hypothesizing without end.
I’ve already poured scorn on the opinionating, which all begins to resemble Joe Rogan meadheadery: “It’s the end of America.” To this we must add the pseudo-contextualization, providing the depth necessary to comply with the tasteless aesthetic of violence in the foreground: “Why? Hidden Secrets Revealed!”
A related syndrome is the historoid probing of a mysterious “pipeline” between libertarianism and fascism. The “pipe” between libertarianism and fascism is obvious. Point one, it’s not a pipe.
It only seems mysterious if one forgets enslavement ... the fact that Nazism seemed to have arisen out of Germany or some kind of zeitgeist when it emerged out of the KKK is part of the mystification of fascism as such ...
Treating people like shite to make a ton of cash isn't that mysterious.
Slavoj Zizek is of course proud of himself that he used the twists and turns of his Hegelian Rubik’s cube to predict that Trump would be a libertarian fascist. He could just have looked at the issue of race, but for him that would’ve been “woke.” He sounds all too like Ron de Santis these days. He is where woke goes to die, on the left.
Ultimately, the probing reproduces the fascist obsession with occult knowledge, in the tragic form of an abused person’s cry of “Why are you doing this to me?”
Those shows about tyranny tell you everything you need to know about the readiness of an American audience for fascism. They’re ready.
Stop trying to understand it. That’s part of it. The endless David Lynch Black Lodge circularity of it all is a trap for the soul.
William Blake wrote poems about this stuff. One of them is “The Tyger,” spelled funny because really it’s just a silly paper tiger.
In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
Erm, none? Because it’s just a paper tiger on a paper page?
We should take fascism very seriously. But this is not the same as the ponderous seriousness of historoid Tutler secrets. These go hand in hand with a strange, impotent cry of despair: if I have to read one more headline about the death of democracy…”It’s over!” is not a great rallying cry.
When the stars threw down their spears
And waterd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Yes, he did: he’s a poet called William Blake and he also “made” a poem called “The Lamb.” He printed them on a press called a star press (for the large wheel you turn to operate it, looking like spears being thrown down in a circle).
Blake lived in a time that could easily be imagined as the end times too. George III, the spitting image of Trump, was on the throne being insane, you could be rounded up and held without charge and without bail just for gathering in the street in a group of three or more people. How to keep your head when mobs are attacking labs, destroying the equipment because the scientist was woke (it happened to Joseph Priestly, Blake’s friend, the discoverer of oxygen).
Blake has some incredibly wonderful takedowns of the conspiracy laden “Tutler secrets” mode, a mode that only serves to make those “secrets” more powerful:
Pity would be no more
If we did not make somebody Poor;
And Mercy no more could be
If all were as happy as we.
“…see how smart I am? I know the hidden secrets? See how nothing ever works out? They’re out to get you. It’s a conspiracy!”
Soon spreads the dismal shade
Of Mystery over his head;
And the Caterpillar and Fly
Feed on the Mystery.
“…and only I can show you the hidden secrets of this deadly nest of hidden terror!”
Yeah right.