Jul 31Liked by Timothy Morton

I like your approach! Concise, to the point and with total disdain for the opponent, pulling their hidden messages out of the shadow of their double-speak.

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That is really kind of you

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this is sharp. is it too sharp for our already threadbare social fabric? in my limited experience, calling people out for hypocrisy is best at shutting them shut up, forcing a retreat to their echo chamber for the validation and post-justification of their intolerance. it rarely rattles any deep seated beliefs or ignorance… unless the criticism is coming from a trusted person, it might as well be praise, since the ignorant person will use a hostile reaction to validate their position: „i hate this person because of their abstract beliefs and they just made me look bad, that’s a concrete reason to hate them and everything they stand for…“

i like the strategy’s candidness, but how does it look in the trenches? it’s a innovative starting point, but could use some fine tuning, lest we further entrench social division… or am i missing something?

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